FILM 100 – Introduction to Film and Media
Introduction to Film and Media is designed to introduce students to a critical study of cinema.
Core fundamentals in film theory (film analysis and aesthetics) will equip students to think and discuss films in a critical and informed manner orally and written. Students will survey forms of film narrative, conventions, elements of style, auteur theory, cinematic history, and what is involved for films to be
The aim is to explore cinema and its role as an artistic, social, and meaning-making force in culture while broadening a student’s understanding of film. At the end of the course, students will move beyond evaluating film content only. Students will be able to evaluate film form in relation to a film’s narrative
and intention and be prepared for future studies in film.
● Read and critique films as viewers trained with a basic understanding of film language, production, and theory (e.g. editing, mise-en-scène, lighting, cinematography, sound design, storyboarding, script, narrative, plot, auteur theory, genre, etc. )
● Experience a broad range of film genres, styles, and national cinema as well as films that intersect faith and culture
● Learn and use film terminology, train observational skills, and critical analysis for dialogue in the university and public sector responsibly and with proficiency.
● Through the textbooks, lectures, discussions, and assignments students will be proficient in their ability to use film terminology to discuss film form, genre, and key concepts in this field of study.
● Improve academic writing and oral communication
● Explore themes of culture on narrative, identity, connection, community, and faith in film in various genres while highlighting themes that apply to social justice, forgiveness, redemption, and other themes parallel to Corpus Christi College’s mission
Sample Grading Scales
Class Participation, Prep Assignments, and Attendance ……………………………………………………………..20%
Short Essay with Oral Presentation and Quizzes ……………………………………………………………………..25%
Mid-Term: Video Presentation with MLA Formatted Paper, Oral Rebuttal, and Written Exam……………………25%
Final: Video Presentation with Matching MLA Formatted Paper, and Oral Rebuttal and Written Exam…………30%